Source: corelink.browser.lib.js

/* eslint-disable prefer-const */
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable max-len */
/* eslint-disable func-names */
/* eslint-disable no-async-promise-executor */
/* eslint-disable no-restricted-syntax */

 * @file Browser client library for Corelink
 * @author Robert Pahle, Ted Wong
 * @version V3.0.0.0

// V3.0.0.0 support new data protocol
// V2.0.0.0 self building version based on the corelink.lib.js library
// V1.0.0.0 initial version

// test for nodejs
if (typeof window === 'undefined') { throw new Error('This library is designed to run in a browser.') }

// test if namespace is already used
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
if (typeof window.corelink !== 'undefined') { throw new Error('The corelink namespace is already registered.') }

// Main Namespace
const corelink = {};

(function () {
  // set debug to true for additional error reporting
  let debug = true

  // const headerSize = Buffer.alloc(6)

  let attempts = 0
  let connected = false

  const receiverStream = {}
  const senderStreams = []
  const allowedStreams = []
  let token = null

  let sourceIP = null

  let connCredentials = null
  let connConfig = null

  let dataCb = null
  let receiverCb = null
  let senderCb = null
  let staleCb = null
  let droppedCb = null
  let closeCb = null

  * Helper function to create random exponential delay to reconnect
  * @param {string} data JSON string to decode.
  * @returns {object} Javascript object with the parsed data
  * @private
  * @module parseJson

  function generateInterval(k) {
    let maxInterval = ((2 ** k) - 1) * 1000
    if (maxInterval > 30 * 1000) {
      maxInterval = 30 * 1000
    return Math.random() * maxInterval

  // helper function to convert buffer to string
  function ab2str(buf) {
    return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(buf))

  * Helper function to parse JSON
  * @param {string} data JSON string to decode.
  * @returns {object} Javascript object with the parsed data
  * @private
  * @module parseJson

  function parseJson(data) {
    return (new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      try {
        const parsedData = JSON.parse(`[${data.toString().replace(/}{/g, '},{')}]`)
      } catch (e) {
        reject(new Error(`Received message not a proper JSON: ${data.toString()}`))

  // all control stream functions

  const control = {}
  control.client = null
  control.ID = 0

  control.connect = async (IP, port) => (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
      control.client = new WebSocket(`wss://${IP}:${port}/`)
    } catch (e) {
    control.client.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'

    control.client.onopen = () => {

    control.request = async (data) => {
      if (debug) console.log('request', data)
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
      return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
        const wdata = data
        wdata.ID = control.ID
        control.ID += 1
        let retries = 5
        control.client.addEventListener('message', async (content) => { // it should be data instead of message (Abhishek Khanna), Rob : please review
          const parsed = await parseJson( => reject(e))
          console.log('parsed all', parsed)
          for (let i = 0; i < parsed.length; i += 1) {
            retries -= 1
            if ('ID' in parsed[i] && parsed[i].ID === wdata.ID) {
              delete parsed[i].ID
              if (debug) console.log('parsed', parsed[i])
              if ('statusCode' in parsed[i]) {
                if (parsed[i].statusCode === 0) {
                } if ('message' in parsed[i]) reject(new Error(`${parsed[i].message} (${parsed[i].statusCode})`))
                else reject(new Error(`Error (${parsed[i].statusCode}) with out specific message returned.`))
              } reject(new Error('Status code or function not found in answer.'))
            if (retries === 0) reject(new Error('Server did not responded with an answer.'))
        if (debug) console.log('request sent:', JSON.stringify(wdata))

    *Call the on function with either data or close function.
    * @param {string} data The module is defined to parse JSON data. The client checks for the
                            'function' in data. The event 'update' or 'status' will be triggered
                            and accordingly 'receiver_cb' or 'stale_cb' will be checked for
                            null values.
    * @param {string} close The callback function close_cb is checked for null values and close_cb()
                            is called
    * @module on

    // set callbacks
    control.client.addEventListener('message', async (data) => {
      const parsedJson = await parseJson(
      if (debug) console.log('stream.on', parsedJson)
      for (let i = 0; i < parsedJson.length; i += 1) {
        const parsedData = parsedJson[i]
        if ('function' in parsedData) {
          switch (parsedData.function) {
            case 'update':
              if (receiverCb != null) {
                delete parsedData.function
              } else console.log('No receiver update callback provided.')
            case 'subscriber':
              if (senderCb != null) {
                delete parsedData.function
              } else console.log('No sender update callback provided.')
            case 'stale':
              if (staleCb != null) {
                delete parsedData.function
              } else console.log('No stale update callback provided.')
            case 'dropped':
              if (droppedCb != null) {
                delete parsedData.function
              } else console.log('No dropped update callback provided.')
              console.log('Unknown callback. Maybe this library is outdated?')

    // make connect attemps and manage exponential backoff in connection attempts
    function reconnect() {
      control.connect(connCredentials, connConfig).catch((err) => {
        console.log('Connection failed.', err)

    control.client.onclose = () => {
      console.log('reconnect: ', connConfig.autoReconnect)
      if (connConfig.autoReconnect) {
        if (closeCb != null) closeCb()
        else console.log('No close connection callback provided.')
        console.log(`Control connection lost: Retrying websocket (${attempts})`)
        const time = generateInterval(attempts)
        console.log(`Waiting ${time}ms to reconnect.`)
        setTimeout(() => {
          attempts += 1
        }, time)
      } else
      if (closeCb != null) closeCb()
      else {
        console.log('No close connection callback provided.')

  async function setupSender(streamID = null, port = null) {
    return (new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
      if (debug) console.log('setting up data WS', 'streamID', streamID, 'port', port)
      try {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        senderStreams[streamID].client = new WebSocket(`wss://${connConfig.ControlIP}:${port}/`)
      } catch (e) {
      senderStreams[streamID].client.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'

      senderStreams[streamID].client.addEventListener('open', () => {
        // if ((streamID != null) && (port != null)) receiverSetup(streamID, port)

      senderStreams[streamID].client.addEventListener('error', (err) => {

  async function setupReceiver(streamID = null, port = null) {
    return (new Promise(((resolve, reject) => {
      if (debug) console.log('setting up data WS', 'streamID', streamID, 'port', port)
      try {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        receiverStream.client = new WebSocket(`wss://${connConfig.ControlIP}:${port}/`)
      } catch (e) {
      receiverStream.client.binaryType = 'arraybuffer'

      receiverStream.client.addEventListener('open', () => {
        // adding header
        const buffersize = 8
        const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(buffersize)
        new DataView(buffer).setUint16(0, 0, true)
        new DataView(buffer).setUint16(2, 0, true)
        new DataView(buffer).setUint32(4, streamID, true)
        console.log('bufferlength to send:', buffer.byteLength)



      receiverStream.client.addEventListener('error', (err) => {

      receiverStream.client.addEventListener('message', (message) => {
        if (dataCb != null) {
          let header
          const view = new DataView(
          const headSize = view.getUint16(0, true)
          // const dataSize = view.getUint16(2, true)
          const sourceID = view.getUint16(4, true)
          const data = + headSize)
          if (headSize > 0) {
            header = ab2str(, 8 + headSize))
            try {
              header = JSON.parse(header)
            } catch (e) {
              console.log(`Received header not a proper JSON: ${message.toString()}`)
          dataCb(sourceID, data, header)
        } else console.log('Data received, but no callback for data available.')

   *Requests a 'sender' function from Corelink protocol which  needs input like
  *workspace,protocol,Source IP, token etc. The client awaits to read, after
  *which it parses the JSON data. The statusCode checks for streamID,port,MTU
  *and message in the content. After getting values for workspace,protocol,type
  *and metadata, UDP protocol is set up. The function expects and object with the
  *following parameters:
  *@param {String} workspace Workspaces are used to separate out groups of streams
    so that several independent groups of researchers can work together.
  *@param {String} protocol  Protocol for the stream to use (UDP/TCP/WS)
  *@param {String} type type information can be freely selected.But well known
    formats will be published.At the moment those are 3d, audio.
  *@param {String} metadata Information about data
  *@param {String} from sender information
  *@module createSender

  async function createSender(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('workspace' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('Workspace not found.'))
      if (!('type' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('Type not defined.'))
      workOptions.protocol = 'ws'
      if (!('metadata' in workOptions)) workOptions.metadata = ''
      if (!('from' in workOptions)) workOptions.from = ''
      if (!('alert' in workOptions)) workOptions.alert = false

      const request = `{"function":"sender","workspace":"${workOptions.workspace}","proto":"${workOptions.protocol}","IP":"${sourceIP}","port":0,"alert":${workOptions.alert},"type":"${workOptions.type}","meta":${JSON.stringify(workOptions.metadata)},"from":"${workOptions.from}","token":"${token}"}`
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (debug) console.log('CreateSender Result:', content)

      if ('streamID' in content) senderStreams[content.streamID] = []
      else reject(new Error('StreamID not found.'))
      if ('port' in content) senderStreams[content.streamID].port = content.port
      else reject(new Error('Target port not found.'))
      if ('MTU' in content) senderStreams[content.streamID].MTU = content.MTU
      else reject(new Error('Target MTU not found.'))

      senderStreams[content.streamID].workspace = workOptions.workspace
      senderStreams[content.streamID].protocol = workOptions.protocol
      senderStreams[content.streamID].type = workOptions.type
      senderStreams[content.streamID].metadata = workOptions.metadata
      senderStreams[content.streamID].from = workOptions.from
      senderStreams[content.streamID].alert = workOptions.alert

      if (workOptions.protocol === 'ws') await setupSender(content.streamID, content.port).catch((err) => { console.log(err) })

      if (debug) console.log('createSender returns:', content.streamID)

   *It takes arameters streamID and port and requests a receiver function from
  *Corelink protocol which has inputs workspace name, streamID,source IP,token etc.
  *Further,it checks for statusCode,streamID,port,potocol,streamList,MTU. UDP
  *protocol is the set up on receiver's side. The function expects and object with the
  *following parameters:
  *@param {String} workspace Workspaces are used to separate out groups of streams
    so that several independent groups of researchers can work together.
  *@param {String} protocol Protocol for the stream to use (UDP/TCP/WS)
  *@param {String} streamIDs Allows a user to select streams to Subscribe to.
    If StreamID is not given, all streams are sent
  *@param {String} type type information can be freely selected.But well known
    formats will be published.At the moment those are 3d, audio.
  *@param {String} alert alert is an optional argument that false,if new streams
    of this type are registered will send the streamID’s to the client via server
    initiated controlFunction (default is false)
  *@param {String} echo receive data that was sent by the same user (default is false)
  *@param {String} receiverID Receiver streamID to reuse
  *@module createReceiver

  async function createReceiver(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      // checking inputs
      const workOptions = options

      if (!('workspace' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('Workspace not found.'))
      workOptions.protocol = 'ws'
      if (!('streamIDs' in workOptions)) workOptions.streamIDs = []
      if (!('type' in workOptions)) workOptions.type = []
      if (!('alert' in workOptions)) workOptions.alert = false
      if (!('echo' in workOptions)) workOptions.echo = false
      if ('receiverID' in workOptions) workOptions.receiverID = `,"receiverID":"${workOptions.receiverID}"`
      else workOptions.receiverID = ''

      const request = `{"function":"receiver","workspace":"${workOptions.workspace}"${workOptions.receiverID},"streamIDs":${JSON.stringify(workOptions.streamIDs)},"proto":"${workOptions.protocol}","IP":"${sourceIP}","port":0,"echo":${workOptions.echo},"alert":${workOptions.alert},"type":${JSON.stringify(workOptions.type)},"token":"${token}"}`
      if (debug) console.log('createReceiver request', request)
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (debug) console.log('create Receiver content', content)

      if ('streamID' in content) receiverStream.streamID = content.streamID
      else reject(new Error('StreamID not found.'))
      if (debug) console.log(`createReceiver port: ${content.port}`)
      if ('port' in content) receiverStream.port = content.port
      else reject(new Error('Target port not found.'))
      if ('proto' in content) receiverStream.proto = content.proto
      else reject(new Error('Target proto not found.'))
      if ('streamList' in content) receiverStream.streamList = content.streamList
      else reject(new Error('Target streamList not found.'))
      if ('MTU' in content) receiverStream.MTU = content.MTU
      else reject(new Error('Target MTU not found.'))

      receiverStream.workspace = workOptions.workspace
      receiverStream.protocol = workOptions.protocol
      receiverStream.type = workOptions.type
      receiverStream.alert = workOptions.alert
      receiverStream.echo = workOptions.echo

      for (const stream in content.streamList) {
        if (!allowedStreams.includes(content.streamList[stream].streamID)) {

      await setupReceiver(content.streamID, content.port).catch((e) => console.log(e))


   *The function first checks if the array of streamIDs is not empty as well as
  *the protocol set up is UDP. After the header and packet are defined, the
  *message is send at the appropriate port number and target IP.
  *@param {String} streamID  Allows a user to select streams to Subscribe to.
    If StreamID is not given, all streams are sent
  *@param {String} data Refers to the data to be sent.
  *@param {object} header Is a JSON object that will be placed in the header in general these could be arbitrary information,
      however, several tags will be decoded
    - stamp: the server will fill in the server time stamp
    - limit: array of receiver ids, the server will send the packet only to these id's
  *@module send

  function send(streamID, data, header) {
    if ((typeof senderStreams[streamID] !== 'undefined') && (senderStreams[streamID].protocol === 'ws')) {
      let workingHeader
      if (typeof header === 'object') workingHeader = JSON.stringify(header)
      else workingHeader = ''

      // adding header
      const buffersize = 8 + workingHeader.length + data.byteLength
      const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(buffersize)
      new DataView(buffer).setUint16(0, 0, true)
      new DataView(buffer).setUint16(2, data.byteLength, true)
      new DataView(buffer).setUint32(4, streamID, true)
      const bufView = new Uint8Array(buffer)
      const dataView = new Uint8Array(data)

      // add json header to send buffer
      for (let i = 0, strLen = workingHeader.length; i < strLen; i += 1) {
        bufView[i + 8] = workingHeader.charCodeAt(i)

      // add the data to buffer
      for (let i = 0; i < dataView.byteLength; i += 1) {
        bufView[i + 8 + workingHeader.length] = dataView[i]
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        console.log('socket error', e)
      if (debug) console.log(`sent: ID${streamID} h${0},d${data.byteLength}`)

  // Begin Common Functions

   *set the debug variable to enable enhanced debug output
   *@param {boolean} flag A boolen that will set the enhanced debug functionality
   *@module setDebug

  function setDebug(flag) {
    debug = flag

   *Login to the corelink server
   *with username and password or token
   *If the credentials are incorrect then it throws an error.
   *The module ends with a
    Promise. A promise is an object which can be returned synchronously from an asynchronous function.
   *@param {String} credentials Refers to all login credentials like username,password and token.
   *@module login

  async function login(credentials) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      let request = ''
      if ((typeof credentials.username === 'undefined')
              && (typeof credentials.password === 'undefined')) {
        if ((typeof credentials.token === 'undefined')) reject(new Error('Credentials not found.'))
        else request = `{"function":"auth","token":"${credentials.token}"}`
      } else request = `{"function":"auth","username":"${credentials.username}","password":"${credentials.password}"}`
      if (debug) console.log('Login ', request)
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (!content) return
      if (debug) console.log('Login result ', content)
      if ('token' in content) token = content.token
      else reject(new Error('Token not found.'))
      if ('IP' in content) sourceIP = content.IP
      else reject(new Error('SourceIP not found.'))

   *Connects with client at the specified Port and IP number after verifying login credentials
   *like username,password and token defined in the 'login' function.
   *If the credentials are incorrect then it throws an error.
   *The 'await' keyword waits for a value of ControlPort and ControlIP. The module ends with a
    Promise. A promise is an object which can be returned synchronously from an asynchronous function.
   *@param {String} credentials Refers to all login credentials like username,password and token.
   *@param {String} config Refers to connection configuration like ControlPort and ControlIP

   *@module connect

  async function connect(credentials, config) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      if (debug) console.log('Connecting...')
      connConfig = config

      connCredentials = credentials

      // dns.lookup(connConfig.ControlIP, (err, address) => {
      //   connConfig.ControlIP = address
      //   if (debug) console.log('address:', address)
      // })

      if (debug) console.log('Target IP:', connConfig.ControlIP, 'target port :', connConfig.ControlPort)
      let conn
      connected = true
      // connect the client
      await control.connect(connConfig.ControlIP, connConfig.ControlPort).catch((e) => {
        connected = false
        if (debug) console.log('not connectd', e)

      if (connected) {
        // check if there is a token and if it is valid
        // checkToken()

        // login if we dont have a good token
        if (token == null) conn = await login(credentials).catch((e) => reject(e))

        // if all streams are still valid
        // if (conn) checkConnections()
      if (conn) {
        attempts = 1
      } else reject(new Error('Problem loggin in'))

   *Queries the corelink relay for available User
   *@param {string} config the parameter name that should be set
   *@param {string} context context that this cofiguration applies to global (server global
                    settings), profile (global user specific settings), app (app global
                    settings), or private (app user specific settings), if omitted or empty
                    it is a global configuration parameter
   *@param {string} app name of the app that this cofiguration applies to, can be omitted or
                    empty for global or profile configuration parameters
   *@param {string} plugin name of the plugin that this cofiguration applies to, can be omitted or
                    empty for global or profile configuration parameters
   *@param {string} user name of the user that this cofiguration applies to, can be omitted
                    or empty for global or app configuration parameters, only an admin can
                    set this parameter, otherwise the logged in username will be taken.'
   *@param {string} value value to apply to the parameter, all parameters are stored as strings,
                    but are applied in the defined type',
   *@exports setConfig
   *@module setConfig

  async function setConfig(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = options
      if (!('config' in request)) { reject(new Error('Name of the configuration parameter required.')); return }
      if (!('value' in request)) { reject(new Error('Context of the configuration parameter required.')); return }
      if (!('context' in request) || (request === '')) { request.context = 'global' }
      if (!('app' in request)) { = '' }
      if (!('plugin' in request)) { request.plugin = '' }
      if (!('user' in request)) { request.user = '' }
      request.function = 'setConfig'
      request.token = token
      await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))

  // User management functions

   *Queries the corelink relay to add a user
   *@param {String} username  name that you would like to add
   *@param {String} password  password of the user that you would like to add
   *@param {String} email  emailid of the user that you would like to add
   *@param {String} first  name that you would like to add
   *@param {String} last  name that you would like to add
   *@param {boolean} admin  admin property of the new user
   *@exports addUser
   *@module addUser

  async function addUser(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('username' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('user not found.'))
      if (!('password' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('password not found.'))
      if (!('email' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('email name not defined.'))
      if (!('first' in workOptions)) workOptions.first = workOptions.username
      if (!('last' in workOptions)) workOptions.last = workOptions.username
      if (!('admin' in workOptions)) workOptions.admin = false
      const request = `{"function":"addUser","username":"${workOptions.username}","password":"${workOptions.password}","first":"${workOptions.first}",
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to change the password of the user
   *@param {String} password password that need to be change
   *@exports password
   *@module password
  async function password(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('password' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('password not found.'))
      const request = `{"function":"password","password":"${workOptions.password}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to remove a user
   *@param {String} username  user name that you would like to remove
   *@exports rmUser
   *@module rmUser

  async function rmUser(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('username' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('username not given.'))
      const request = `{"function":"rmUser","username":"${workOptions.username}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay for available User
   *@returns {Array} Array of User, empty array if no User are available
   *@exports listUsers
   *@module listUsers

  async function listUsers() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"listUsers","token":"${token}"}`
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('userList' in content) resolve(content.userList)
      else reject(new Error('Users not found.'))

  // Group management functions:

   *Queries the corelink relay to add a user to group(login user should either admin/ owner)
   *@param {String} User  name that you would like to user to group
   *@param {String} group  Groupname that will have a new user
   *@module addUserGroup

  async function addUserGroup(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('username' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('user not found.'))
      else if (!('group' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('group not found.'))
      else {
        const request = `{"function":"addUserGroup","username":"${workOptions.username}","group":"${}","token":"${token}"}`
        await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to remove user from group(login user should either admin/ owner)
   *@param {String} User  name that you would like to user to group
   *@param {String} group  Groupname that will have a new user
   *@module rmUserGroup

  async function rmUserGroup(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('username' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('user not found.'))
      else if (!('group' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('group not found.'))
      else {
        const request = `{"function":"rmUserGroup","user":"${workOptions.username}","group":"${}","token":"${token}"}`
        await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay for available group
   *@returns {Array} Array of group, empty array if no grou[] are available
   *@exports listGroups
   *@module listGroups
  async function listGroups() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"listGroups","token":"${token}"}`
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('groupList' in content) resolve(content.groupList)
      else reject(new Error('  groupList not found.'))

   *Queries the corelink relay to add a Group
   *@param {String} Group Group name that you would like to add
   *@param {String} owner owner name of the new group
   *@exports addGroup
   *@module addGroup
  async function addGroup(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      if (!('group' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('new groupname not found.'))
      const request = `{"function":"addGroup","group":"${}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to remove a group
   *@param {String} Group group name that you would like to remove
   *@exports rmGroup
   *@module rmGroup
  async function rmGroup(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('group' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('remove group not found.'))
      const request = `{"function":"rmGroup","group":"${}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to change the ownerhip of group
   *@param {String} Group group name that you would like to change owner
    *@param {String} username user name that you would like to be owner
   *@exports changeOwner
   *@module changeOwner
  async function changeOwner(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const workOptions = options
      // checking inputs
      if (!('group' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('groupname not found.'))
      if (!('username' in workOptions)) {
        reject(new Error('username not found.'))
      const request = `{"function":"changeOwner","group":"${}","username":"${workOptions.username}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

  // Workspace management functions:

   *Queries the corelink relay for available workspaces
   *@returns {Array} Array of workspaces, empty array if no workspaces are available
   *@exports listWorkspaces
   *@module listWorkspaces
  async function listWorkspaces() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"listWorkspaces","token":"${token}"}`
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('workspaceList' in content) resolve(content.workspaceList)
      else reject(new Error('workspaceList not found.'))

   *Queries the corelink relay to add a workspace
   *@param {String} workspace workspace name that you would like to add
   *@exports addWorkspace
   *@module addWorkspace
  async function addWorkspace(workspace) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"addWorkspace","workspace":"${workspace}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to remove a workspaces
   *@param {String} workspace workspace name that you would like to remove
   *@exports rmWorkspace
   *@module rmWorkspace
  async function rmWorkspace(workspace) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"rmWorkspace","workspace":"${workspace}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to set a default workspace
   *@param {String} workspace workspace name that you would like to set as default
   *@exports setDefaultWorkspace
   *@module setDefaultWorkspace
  async function setDefaultWorkspace(workspace) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"setDefaultWorkspace","workspace":"${workspace}","token":"${token}"}`
      await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))

   *Queries the corelink relay to get the current default workspace
   *@returns {String} workspace name that is currently set as default
   *@exports getDefaultWorkspace
   *@module getDefaultWorkspace
  async function getDefaultWorkspace() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = `{"function":"getDefaultWorkspace","token":"${token}"}`
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('workspace' in content) resolve(content.workspace)
      else reject(new Error('No default workspace found.'))

  // introspect functions functions

   *Queries the corelink relay for available functions
   *@returns {Array} Array of functions that the server has available
   *@exports listFunctions
   *@module listFunctions

  async function listFunctions() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = {}
      request.function = 'listFunctions'
      request.token = token
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('functionList' in content) resolve(content)
      else reject(new Error('functionList not found.'))

   *Queries the corelink relay for available functions
   *@returns {object} the object has functionList which is an array of functions names that the
                      server has available
   *@exports listServerFunctions
   *@module listServerFunctions

  async function listServerFunctions() {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = {}
      request.function = 'listServerFunctions'
      request.token = token
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('functionList' in content) resolve(content)
      else reject(new Error('functionList not found.'))

   *Queries a specific function to get its self descriptor
   *@param {String} options Options object, it has to have a function name
   *@returns {Object} JSON object that describes the function
   *@exports describeFunction
   *@module describeFunction

  async function describeFunction(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      // checking inputs
      if (typeof options !== 'object') reject(new Error('No object supplied.'))
      if (!('functionName' in options)) reject(new Error('No function name found.'))

      const request = {}
      request.function = 'describeFunction'
      request.functionName = options.functionName
      request.token = token
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('description' in content) resolve(content)
      else reject(new Error('description not found.'))

   *Queries a specific function to get its self descriptor
   *@param {String} options Options object, it has to have a server function name
   *@returns {Object} JSON object that describes the function
   *@exports describeServerFunction
   *@module describeServerFunction

  async function describeServerFunction(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      // checking inputs
      if (!('functionName' in options)) reject(new Error('No function name found.'))

      const request = {}
      request.function = 'describeServerFunction'
      request.functionName = options.functionName
      request.token = token
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if ('description' in content) resolve(content)
      else reject(new Error('description not found.'))

   *Get the receiverID of the current active receiver
   *@returns {String} receiverID Receiver streamID to remove streams from
   *@module getReceiverID

  async function getReceiverID() {
    return receiverStream.streamID

   *Queries the corelink relay for available functions
   *@param {array} workspaces an array of workspaces to list streams, omitted or empty array
                              will list all workspaces that a user has access to
   *@param {array} types an array of types of streams to list
   *@returns {object} with senderStreams and receiverStreams arrays
   *@exports listStreams
   *@module listStreams

  async function listStreams(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      const request = options || {}
      request.function = 'listStreams'
      request.token = token
      if (!('workspaces' in request)) request.workspaces = []
      if (!('types' in request)) request.types = []
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))

  *In the request made, subscribe function from Corelink protocol is called which
  *gets the value of streamID and token. Further,the streamList array is checked
  *to see if it has target streamList.
  *@param {String} options objet. Allows a user to select streams to subscribe to.
      The options object should hold and array of streamIDs. If streamIDs or options
      is not given, all streams are sent
  *@module subscribe

  async function subscribe(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      let workOptions
      if (typeof options === 'undefined') workOptions = {}
      else workOptions = options

      if (!('streamIDs' in workOptions)) workOptions.streamIDs = []

      const request = `{"function":"subscribe","receiverID":"${receiverStream.streamID}","streamIDs":${JSON.stringify(workOptions.streamIDs)},"token":"${token}"}`
      if (debug) console.log('subscribe request', request)
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (debug) console.log('subscribe json', content)

      if ('streamList' in content) receiverStream.streamList = content.streamList
      else reject(new Error('Target streamList not found.'))

      for (const stream in content.streamList) {
        if (!allowedStreams.includes(content.streamList[stream].streamID)) {
      if (debug) console.log('subscribe streamList', content.streamList)

  *In the request made, subscribe function from Corelink protocol is called which
  *gets the value of streamID and token. Further,the streamList array is checked
  *to see if it has target streamList. The function expects an object with the
  *following parameters:
  *@param {array} streamIDs Allows a user to select streams to unsubscribe from.
                            If streamIDs are not given or empty all are unsubscribed from
  *@module unsubscribe

  async function unsubscribe(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      let workOptions
      if (typeof options === 'undefined') workOptions = {}
      else workOptions = options

      if (!('streamIDs' in workOptions)) workOptions.streamIDs = []

      const request = `{"function":"unsubscribe","receiverID":${receiverStream.streamID},"streamIDs":${JSON.stringify(workOptions.streamIDs)},"token":"${token}"}`
      if (debug) console.log('unsubscribe request', request)
      const content = await control.request(JSON.parse(request)).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (debug) console.log('unsubscribe json', content)

      for (let i = 0; i < allowedStreams.length; i += 1) {
        if (content.streamList.includes(allowedStreams[i])) delete allowedStreams[i]

  *Function to register event handlers for specific events
  *@param {array} type type of event:
    - receiver: calls back with new streams that are available
    - sender: calls back with new streams that are subscribed
    - stale: call back with streams that went stale for this receiver and can be unsubscribed
    - dropped: calls back with streams that dropped the subscription for a sender
    - close: the control connection was closed
    - data: calls back when data has arrived with (streamID, data, header)
  *@param {array} cb a function with the corresponding callback
  *@module on

  const on = (async function on(type, cb) {
    switch (type) {
      case 'receiver':
        receiverCb = cb
      case 'sender':
        senderCb = cb
      case 'data':
        dataCb = cb
      case 'stale':
        staleCb = cb
      case 'dropped':
        droppedCb = cb
      case 'close':
        closeCb = cb

   *Queries server functions that dont need special parameters
    *@param {object} options Options object,
            if generic is called the function name and the parameters need to be in a JSON object according to
   *@returns {Object} JSON object that contains the function result
   *@exports generic
   *@module generic

  async function generic(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      // checking inputs
      const workOptions = options
      if (typeof workOptions !== 'object') reject(new Error('No object supplied.'))
      if (!('function' in workOptions)) reject(new Error('No function name'))

      // adding token to request
      if (!workOptions.token) workOptions.token = token
      if (debug) console.log(workOptions)
      const content = await control.request(workOptions).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (content) resolve(content)
      else reject(new Error('Wrong Expresions.'))

   *Requests a disconnect streams
   *@param {String} workspaces Workspaces are used to separate out groups of
    streams so that several independent groups of researchers can work together.
   *@param {String} types disconnect only streams of a particular type.
   *@param {String} streamIDs Allows a user to select streams to Subscribe to. If
    StreamID is not given, all streams are sent, the streamIDs have to be numbers
   *@returns {object} in the object there will be the array streamList
   *@module disconnect

  async function disconnect(options) {
    return (new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
      console.log('options', options)
      const request = {}
      request.types = []
      request.workspaces = []
      request.streamIDs = []

      if (typeof options === 'object') {
        if (('types' in options) && Array.isArray(options.types) && (options.types.length > 0)) request.types = request.types.concat(options.types)
        if (('types' in options) && (typeof options.types === 'string')) request.types.push(options.types)
        if (('workspaces' in options) && Array.isArray(options.workspaces) && (options.workspaces.length > 0)) request.workspaces = request.workspaces.concat(options.workspaces)
        if (('workspaces' in options) && (typeof options.workspaces === 'string')) request.workspaces.push(options.workspaces)
        if (('streamIDs' in options) && Array.isArray(options.streamIDs) && (options.streamIDs.length > 0)) request.streamIDs = request.streamIDs.concat(options.streamIDs)
        if (('streamIDs' in options) && (typeof options.streamIDs === 'number')) request.streamIDs.push(options.streamIDs)
      request.function = 'disconnect'
      request.token = token

      if (debug) console.log('disconnect request', request)
      const content = await control.request(request).catch((e) => reject(e))
      if (debug) console.log('disconnect content', content)

   *This module gets all local streamIDs and,checks if they are undefined and
    pushes them. The connection then waits for a disconnect to occur.
   *@param {String} resolve If all streamIDs are fetched successfully for a
    successful disconnect
   *@param {String} reject If all streamIDs are not fetched, an error message is displayed
   *@module exit
  async function exit() {
    console.log('Trying to exit.')
    return (new Promise((async (resolve, reject) => {
      // get all local streamID's
      const streamIDs = []
      if (typeof receiverStream.streamID !== 'undefined') streamIDs.push(receiverStream.streamID)
      for (const streamID in senderStreams) if (streamID) streamIDs.push(parseInt(streamID, 10))
      if (debug) console.log('Exit: Disconnect Request.')
      const dis = await disconnect({ streamIDs }).catch((err) => reject(err))
      if (dis === true) resolve(true)
      else reject(dis)

  // End Common Functions

  this.debug = debug
  this.on = on
  this.connect = connect
  this.setDebug = setDebug
  this.generic = generic
  this.addWorkspace = addWorkspace
  this.rmWorkspace = rmWorkspace
  this.setDefaultWorkspace = setDefaultWorkspace
  this.getDefaultWorkspace = getDefaultWorkspace
  this.listWorkspaces = listWorkspaces
  this.listFunctions = listFunctions
  this.listServerFunctions = listServerFunctions
  this.describeFunction = describeFunction
  this.describeServerFunction = describeServerFunction
  this.createSender = createSender
  this.send = send
  this.subscribe = subscribe
  this.unsubscribe = unsubscribe
  this.disconnect = disconnect
  this.createReceiver = createReceiver
  this.getReceiverID = getReceiverID
  this.exit = exit
  this.login = login
  this.setConfig = setConfig
  this.listStreams = listStreams
  this.listUsers = listUsers
  this.rmUser = rmUser
  this.addUser = addUser
  this.password = password
  this.listGroups = listGroups
  this.rmGroup = rmGroup
  this.addGroup = addGroup
  this.addUserGroup = addUserGroup
  this.rmUserGroup = rmUserGroup
  this.changeOwner = changeOwner