Corelink CPP Client
Corelink C++ client library
No Matches
Corelink C++ Client


‍These documents are a work in progress, and we are trying to improve upon them on a daily basis. However, given our capacity and workload, there are bound to be things which get missed or checked in which should not have been checked in. If you find mistakes or documents wanting information and you would like to help, you can do so in two ways

  1. Submit corrections. When you update anything and submit a PR, we will review it and if all looks good, it will be added. This is the fastest way that one can expect changes to be in.
  2. Submit tickets. If you are not sure how to make updates, or if you are short on time, please raise an issue in the repo, with details and what you think needs to be the expected text. We will try and update the literature to reflect any changes that we feel are merited. Note that this route will take longer than the first approach and there are no guarantees on the timeline.


For a detailed API documentation, please check out the document artifacts locally and then open the index.html in a browser of your choosing. Alternatively, if you are a fan of the command line, please refer to some commands that we have tried for ourselves. These are not exhaustive and if you use a distribution which is not listed here, please try it your way.

On Windows

start ./docs/artifacts/html/index.html


open ./docs/artifacts/html/index.html

On Linux

xdg-open ./docs/artifacts/html/index.html

These documents should be supported on most major browsers (Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and the whole suit of Chromium based browsers).

We are trying to integrate them in to our overarching documentation framework as we speak. But as that will take a little while, you can use these static HTML pages with the same degree of assurance.


This folder houses the source and configuration files for the Corelink C++ client.


You can read more about the C++ client architecture and design elements here


You can read more about the installing C++ client dependencies and the client itself here


You can read more about the C++ client usage here