Corelink CPP Client
Corelink C++ client library
No Matches
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 Cauthenticate_client_requestCorelink server authenticate request parameters
 Ccorelink_server_request_baseDefines the base type for all corelink control API requests This is done so that JSON responses can be deserialized to native types and that function interfaces are standardized
 Cdescribe_function_requestCorelink describe function request parameters
 Clist_streams_requestCorelink list streams request function request parameters
Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override
 Cmodify_group_requestCorelink modify group request function request parameters
Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override
 Cmodify_stream_subscription_requestStream subscription modification request
 Cmodify_user_requestCorelink modify request function request parameters
Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override
 Cmodify_workspace_requestCorelink describe function request parameters
Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override
 Cstream_info_requestCorelink stream information request function request parameters
Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override
 Ccorelink_client_channel_base_descriptorCorelink client channels base descriptor. Defines and implements base attributes for all corelink client channels
 Ccorelink_client_control_channel_descriptorThis class houses all the attributes relevant to a corelink control channel
 Ccorelink_client_data_channel_descriptorData channel descriptor
 NconstantsCorelink network constants namespace
 NprotocolsHolds all members, types and functions pertaining to protocol related items. Note that this is largely for Corelink, rather than the networking libraries themselves
 CprotocolA short protocol wrapper to allow for string representation of corelink supported protocols, with a few extra attributes which are used inside the client
 Ccorelink_data_xchg_ip_proto_baseThe IP protocol suite manager
 Ccorelink_data_xchg_protocolThe base class for all data exchange communication protocols. This class is a generic interface. Right now it does not implement anything but rather just provides a base class for Data exchange protocols. This is useful when we use non-internet based protocols like RS-232, I2C, etc
 Ccorelink_data_xchg_raw_socket_protocol_context_managerASIO sockets context manager for async communication
 Ccorelink_data_xchg_tcp_protocol_managerThe TCP protocol manager
 Ccorelink_data_xchg_udp_protocol_managerThe UDP protocol manager
 Cip_protocol_channel_descriptorProperties used by IP protocol and its dependant protocols
 Ctcp_protocol_per_channel_descriptorTCP channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like (dis)/connect, send, on receive etc
 Cudp_protocol_per_channel_descriptorUDP channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like send, on receive etc. This is entirely user defined
 Cwebsocket_protocol_per_channel_descriptorWebsocket channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like send, on receive etc. This is entirely user defined
 Cconcurrent_queueSynchronized queue class for concurrent access
 Nrandom_numbersHouses and wraps all utils related to random number generation
 CjsonWrapper over JSON libraries. Corelink supports a wrapper over RapidJSON, however, if the interface is maintained, another JSON library can be wrapped and used