▼Ncorelink | |
▼Nclient | |
Nconstants | |
▼Nrequest_response | |
▼Nrequests | |
Cauthenticate_client_request | Corelink server authenticate request parameters |
Ccorelink_server_request_base | Defines the base type for all corelink control API requests This is done so that JSON responses can be deserialized to native types and that function interfaces are standardized |
Cdescribe_function_request | Corelink describe function request parameters |
Cdisconnect_streams_request | |
Clist_streams_request | Corelink list streams request function request parameters Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override |
Cmodify_data_stream_request_base | |
Cmodify_group_request | Corelink modify group request function request parameters Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override |
Cmodify_receiver_stream_request | |
Cmodify_sender_stream_request | |
Cmodify_stream_subscription_request | Stream subscription modification request |
Cmodify_user_request | Corelink modify request function request parameters Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override |
Cmodify_workspace_request | Corelink describe function request parameters Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override |
Cstream_info_request | Corelink stream information request function request parameters Note - the client library silently inserts a token value, which you cannot currently override |
▼Nresponses | |
Ccorelink_server_response_base | |
Ccorelink_server_response_json | |
Cdisconnect_streams_response | |
Cget_default_workspace_response | |
Clist_client_functions_response | |
Clist_groups_response | |
Clist_server_functions_response | |
Clist_workspaces_response | |
Cmodify_stream_subscription_response | |
Cserver_cb_base | |
Cserver_cb_on_dropped_response | |
Cserver_cb_on_stale_response | |
Cserver_cb_on_subscribed_response | |
Cserver_cb_on_update_response | |
Cstream_info | |
Ccorelink_classic_client | |
Ccorelink_client_channel_base_descriptor | Corelink client channels base descriptor. Defines and implements base attributes for all corelink client channels |
Ccorelink_client_connection_info | |
Ccorelink_client_control_channel_descriptor | This class houses all the attributes relevant to a corelink control channel |
Ccorelink_client_data_channel_descriptor | Data channel descriptor |
Cenum_hasher | |
Crequest_response_handler | |
Ncommons | |
▼Ncore | |
Nmemory | |
▼Nnetwork | |
▼Nconstants | Corelink network constants namespace |
▼Nprotocols | Holds all members, types and functions pertaining to protocol related items. Note that this is largely for Corelink, rather than the networking libraries themselves |
Cprotocol | A short protocol wrapper to allow for string representation of corelink supported protocols, with a few extra attributes which are used inside the client |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_ip_proto_base | The IP protocol suite manager |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_protocol | The base class for all data exchange communication protocols. This class is a generic interface. Right now it does not implement anything but rather just provides a base class for Data exchange protocols. This is useful when we use non-internet based protocols like RS-232, I2C, etc |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_raw_socket_protocol_context_manager | ASIO sockets context manager for async communication |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_tcp_protocol_manager | The TCP protocol manager |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_udp_protocol_manager | The UDP protocol manager |
Ccorelink_data_xchg_websocket_protocol_manager | |
Cip_protocol_channel_descriptor | Properties used by IP protocol and its dependant protocols |
Ctcp_protocol_per_channel_descriptor | TCP channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like (dis)/connect, send, on receive etc |
Cudp_protocol_per_channel_descriptor | UDP channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like send, on receive etc. This is entirely user defined |
Cwebsocket_protocol_per_channel_descriptor | Websocket channel descriptor. Struct mostly contains information initialized to make connections and store callbacks in case of events like send, on receive etc. This is entirely user defined |
▼Nutils | |
▼Ncontainers | |
Cconcurrent_queue | Synchronized queue class for concurrent access |
Nrandom_numbers | Houses and wraps all utils related to random number generation |
▼Nsystem | |
▼N_internals | |
Cpun | |
Cconcurrent_counter | |
Cjson | Wrapper over JSON libraries. Corelink supports a wrapper over RapidJSON, however, if the interface is maintained, another JSON library can be wrapped and used |