C# Client
C# Library to interface with Corelink
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1using System;
2using System.Collections.Generic;
3using System.Net;
4using System.Net.Sockets;
5using System.Text;
6using System.Threading;
7using SimpleJSON;
8using UnityEngine;
10namespace CoreLink
20 public class Control
21 {
25 public static bool debug;
29 public static int timeoutIterations = 100;
31 private Credentials credentials;
32 private Config config;
34 private CorelinkTCP tcp;
35 private ControlCallbacks ws;
36 private CorelinkUDP udp;
38 private IPAddress myIP;
40 private uint receiverID;
41 private List<SenderStreamParams> senderStreams;
42 private List<ReceiverStreamParams> receiverStreams;
43 private List<uint> allowedStreams;
45 int id = 0;
46 public Control() : this(false) { }
47 public Control(bool debug)
48 {
49 senderStreams = new List<SenderStreamParams>();
50 receiverStreams = new List<ReceiverStreamParams>();
51 allowedStreams = new List<uint>();
52 Control.debug = debug;
53 receiverID = 0;
54 }
55 #region [Basic Usage]
62 public void connect(Config config)
63 {
64 this.config = config;
66 //tcp = new CorelinkTCP(config);
68 Print("Initializing WebSocket Connection");
69 ws = new ControlCallbacks(config.controlDomain);
71 int iterations = 0;
72 while (!ws.isConnectionOpen() && iterations < timeoutIterations)
73 {
74 Thread.Sleep(100);
75 iterations++;
76 }
77 if (iterations == timeoutIterations)
78 {
79 throw new Exception("Timeout error");
80 }
81 }
82 public async void ConnectToServer()
83 {
84 await ws.connect();
85 }
93 public bool login(Credentials credentials)
94 {
95 this.credentials = credentials;
96 JSONNode jsonRequest = credentials.ToJSON();
97 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
98 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
99 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
100 this.credentials.Token = jsonResponse["token"].Value;
101 myIP = IPAddress.Parse(jsonResponse["IP"].Value).MapToIPv4(); // client's public facing IP address (usually their router)
102 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
103 string message = jsonResponse["message"].Value; // unused for now
105 if (statusCode != 0) throw new CorelinkException(statusCode, message);
107 return statusCode == 0 ? true : false;
108 }
133 public uint createSender(SenderStreamParams streamParams)
134 {
135 JSONNode jsonRequest = streamParams.toJSON();
136 jsonRequest["function"] = "sender";
137 jsonRequest["IP"] = myIP.ToString();
138 jsonRequest["port"] = 0;
139 jsonRequest["token"] = this.credentials.Token;
140 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
141 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
142 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
143 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
144 uint.TryParse(jsonResponse["streamID"].Value, out streamParams.streamID);
145 int udpPort = jsonResponse["port"].AsInt;
146 string MTU = jsonResponse["MTU"].Value; // unused for now
147 string message = jsonResponse["message"].Value; // unused for now
149 if (statusCode != 0) throw new CorelinkException(statusCode, message);
151 if (streamParams.proto.Equals("udp"))
152 {
153 if (udp == null)
154 {
155 Print("Attempting to open a UDP port at " + jsonResponse["port"].Value);
156 udp = new CorelinkUDP(config.dataIP, udpPort, ref allowedStreams, ref receiverStreams);
157 }
159 }
160 streamParams.port = udpPort;
161 senderStreams.Add(streamParams);
162 return streamParams.streamID;
163 }
176 public List<uint> createReceiver(ReceiverStreamParams streamParams)
177 {
178 if (receiverID != null)
179 {
180 // Update our current receiverID, not generate a new one
181 streamParams.receiverid = receiverID;
182 }
183 JSONNode jsonRequest = streamParams.toJSON();
184 jsonRequest["IP"] = myIP.ToString();
185 jsonRequest["port"] = 0;
186 jsonRequest["token"] = this.credentials.Token;
187 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
188 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
189 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
190 uint.TryParse(jsonResponse["streamID"].Value, out streamParams.streamID);
191 if (receiverID == 0)
192 {
193 receiverID = streamParams.streamID;
194 }
195 foreach (JSONNode node in jsonResponse["streamList"])
196 {
197 uint streamID = 0;
198 uint.TryParse(node["streamID"].Value, out streamID);
199 if (streamID == 0) throw new CorelinkException("Error parsing streamID");
200 streamParams.streamIDs.Add(streamID);
201 if (!allowedStreams.Contains(streamID))
202 {
203 allowedStreams.Add(streamID);
204 }
205 }
207 streamParams.port = jsonResponse["port"].AsInt;
208 string proto = jsonResponse["proto"].Value;
209 string MTU = jsonResponse["MTU"].Value; // unused for now
211 if (proto.Equals("udp"))
212 {
213 if (udp == null)
214 {
215 Print("Attempting to open a UDP port at " + jsonResponse["port"].Value);
216 udp = new CorelinkUDP(config.dataIP, streamParams.port, ref allowedStreams, ref receiverStreams);
217 }
218 udp.receiverPing(streamParams.streamID);
219 }
221 receiverStreams.Add(streamParams);
222 return streamParams.streamIDs;
223 }
230 public List<uint> subscribe(List<uint> streamIDs)
231 {
232 if (receiverID == null)
233 {
234 throw new CorelinkException("ERROR: Need to create a receiver stream before subscribing");
235 }
236 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
237 jsonRequest["function"] = "subscribe";
238 jsonRequest["receiverID"] = receiverID;
239 for (int i = 0; i < streamIDs.Count; i++)
240 {
241 jsonRequest["streamID"][i] = streamIDs[i];
242 }
243 jsonRequest["token"] = this.credentials.Token;
244 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
245 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
246 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
248 List<uint> returnedStreamids = new List<uint>();
249 for (int i = 0; i < jsonResponse["streamList"].Count; i++)
250 {
251 uint streamID = 0;
252 uint.TryParse(jsonResponse["streamList"][i]["streamID"].Value, out streamID);
253 if (streamID == 0) throw new CorelinkException("Error parsing streamID");
254 returnedStreamids.Add(streamID);
255 allowedStreams.Add(streamID);
256 }
258 return returnedStreamids;
259 }
266 public List<uint> unsubscribe(List<string> streamIDs)
267 {
268 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
269 jsonRequest["function"] = "unsubscribe";
270 jsonRequest["receiverID"] = receiverStreams[0].streamID;
271 jsonRequest["streamID"] = new JSONArray();
272 foreach (string w in streamIDs)
273 {
274 jsonRequest["workspaces"].Add(w);
275 }
276 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
277 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
278 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
279 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
280 List<uint> retval = new List<uint>();
281 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["streamList"].AsArray)
282 {
283 uint ID = 0;
284 uint.TryParse(f.Value, out ID);
285 if (ID == 0) throw new CorelinkException("Error parsing streamID");
286 retval.Add(ID);
287 }
288 return retval;
289 }
296 public List<string> disconnect()
297 {
298 StreamFilter filter = new StreamFilter();
299 if (receiverStreams.Count > 0)
300 {
301 filter.streamIDs.Add(receiverStreams[0].streamID);
302 }
303 foreach (SenderStreamParams param in senderStreams)
304 {
305 filter.streamIDs.Add(param.streamID);
306 }
307 return disconnect(filter);
308 }
309 public List<string> disconnect(StreamFilter filter)
310 {
311 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
312 jsonRequest["function"] = "disconnect";
313 jsonRequest["workspaces"] = new JSONArray();
314 foreach (string w in filter.workspaces)
315 {
316 jsonRequest["workspaces"].Add(w);
317 }
318 jsonRequest["types"] = new JSONArray();
319 foreach (string t in filter.types)
320 {
321 jsonRequest["types"].Add(t);
322 }
323 jsonRequest["streamIDs"] = new JSONArray();
324 foreach (uint s in filter.streamIDs)
325 {
326 jsonRequest["streamIDs"].Add(s);
327 }
328 if (receiverID != null)
329 {
330 jsonRequest["streamIDs"].Add(receiverID);
331 }
332 jsonRequest["token"] = this.credentials.Token;
333 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
334 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
335 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
336 List<string> retval = new List<string>();
337 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["streamList"].AsArray)
338 {
339 retval.Add(f.Value);
340 }
341 return retval;
342 }
347 public void exit()
348 {
349 // TODO: Check if all streamIDs are fetched successfully
350 disconnect();
351 ws.stopConnection();
352 if (udp != null) udp.stopConnection();
353 }
361 public void send(uint streamID, byte[] header, byte[] data)
362 {
363 if (udp == null)
364 {
365 throw new Exception("udp connection not created");
366 }
367 udp.send(streamID, header, data);
368 }
370 #endregion
372 #region [Workspace Functions]
378 public bool addWorkspace(string workspace)
379 {
380 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
381 jsonRequest["function"] = "addWorkspace";
382 jsonRequest["workspace"] = workspace;
383 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
384 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
385 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
386 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
387 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
388 return statusCode == 0 ? true : false;
389 }
396 public bool rmWorkspace(string workspace)
397 {
398 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
399 jsonRequest["function"] = "rmWorkspace";
400 jsonRequest["workspace"] = workspace;
401 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
402 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
403 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
404 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
405 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
406 return statusCode == 0 ? true : false;
407 }
414 public bool setDefaultWorkspace(string workspace)
415 {
416 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
417 jsonRequest["function"] = "setDefaultWorkspace";
418 jsonRequest["workspace"] = workspace;
419 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
420 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
421 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
422 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
423 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
424 return statusCode == 0 ? true : false;
425 }
431 public string getDefaultWorkspace()
432 {
433 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
434 jsonRequest["function"] = "getDefaultWorkspace";
435 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
436 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
437 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
438 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
439 return jsonResponse["workspace"].Value;
440 }
446 public List<string> listWorkspaces()
447 {
448 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
449 jsonRequest["function"] = "listWorkspaces";
450 jsonRequest["token"] = this.credentials.Token;
451 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
452 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
453 List<string> retval = new List<string>();
454 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["workspaceList"].AsArray)
455 {
456 retval.Add(f.Value);
457 }
458 return retval;
459 }
461 #endregion
463 #region [Function Helpers]
469 public List<string> listFunctions()
470 {
471 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
472 jsonRequest["function"] = "listFunctions";
473 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
474 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
475 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
476 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
477 List<string> retval = new List<string>();
478 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["functionList"].AsArray)
479 {
480 retval.Add(f.Value);
481 }
482 return retval;
483 }
490 public List<string> listServerFunctions()
491 {
492 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
493 jsonRequest["function"] = "listServerFunctions";
494 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
495 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
496 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
497 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
498 List<string> retval = new List<string>();
499 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["functionList"].AsArray)
500 {
501 retval.Add(f.Value);
502 }
503 return retval;
504 }
511 public string describeFunction(string function)
512 {
513 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
514 jsonRequest["function"] = "describeFunction";
515 jsonRequest["functionName"] = function;
516 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
517 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
518 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
519 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
520 return jsonResponse["description"].Value;
522 }
529 public string describeServerFunction(string function)
530 {
531 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
532 jsonRequest["function"] = "describeServerFunction";
533 jsonRequest["functionName"] = function;
534 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
535 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
536 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
537 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
538 return jsonResponse["description"].Value;
539 }
541 #endregion
543 #region [Stream Info]
550 public JSONArray listStreams(StreamFilter filter)
551 {
552 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
553 jsonRequest["function"] = "listStreams";
554 jsonRequest["workspaces"] = new JSONArray();
555 foreach (string w in filter.workspaces)
556 {
557 jsonRequest["workspaces"].Add(w);
558 }
559 jsonRequest["types"] = new JSONArray();
560 foreach (string t in filter.types)
561 {
562 jsonRequest["types"].Add(t);
563 }
564 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
565 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
566 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
567 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
568 return jsonResponse["senderList"].AsArray;
569 }
575 public JSONNode streamInfo(uint streamID)
576 {
577 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
578 jsonRequest["function"] = "streamInfo";
579 jsonRequest["workspaces"] = new JSONArray();
580 jsonRequest["streamID"] = streamID;
581 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
582 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
583 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
584 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
585 return jsonResponse;
587 }
589 #endregion
591 #region [User Functions]
592 public List<string> listUsers()
593 {
594 JSONNode jsonRequest = JSON.Parse("{}");
595 jsonRequest["function"] = "streamInfo";
596 jsonRequest["token"] = credentials.Token;
597 jsonRequest["ID"] = id;
598 string request = jsonRequest.ToString();
599 JSONNode jsonResponse = SendAndErrorCheck(request, id++);
600 List<string> retval = new List<string>();
601 foreach (JSONNode f in jsonResponse["userList"].AsArray)
602 {
603 retval.Add(f.Value);
604 }
605 return retval;
606 }
608 #endregion
609 // TODO: keepAlive, password, rmUser, listUsers, addGroup, addUserGroup, rmUserGroup, changeOwner, rmGroup, listGroups, setConfig, expire,
612 #region [Utility]
616 JSONNode SendAndErrorCheck(string request, int id)
617 {
618 Print("Request:\t" + request);
619 ws.sendMessage(request);
620 string response = ws.getResponse();
622 Print("Response: " + response);
623 JSONNode jsonResponse = JSON.Parse(response);
624 int statusCode = jsonResponse["statusCode"].AsInt;
625 int receivedID = jsonResponse["ID"].AsInt;
626 string message = jsonResponse["message"].Value;
627 if (receivedID != id)
628 {
629 throw new CorelinkException("Wrong ID");
630 }
631 if (statusCode != 0) throw new CorelinkException(statusCode, message);
632 return jsonResponse;
633 }
634 public static void Print(string message)
635 {
636 if (debug) Debug.Log(message);
637 }
638 #endregion
639 }